Every creator has a universe within.

The story-maker proves a successful ‘sub-creator’. He makes a Secondary World which your mind can enter. Inside it, what he relates is ‘true’: it accords with the laws of that world. You therefore believe it, while you are, as it were, inside. The moment disbelief arises, the spell is broken; the magic, or rather art, has failed. – JRR Tolkein “On Fairy-Stories”

Childrens Books

In partnership with wonder creations we are creating a series of children’s books. Titled World of Lost Socks. These books seek to entertain and educate young children. Each book in the series will focus on a different lesson will focus on a different virtue. In addition to an introductory book we have already written a book on friendship and one on courage.

In addition we are developing a stand alone book on the theme of helping kids find their own creative expression called “Turtles of the Bay.”

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Story Fire Groups

This journey began with two friends sharing stories they wanted to tell and helping one another share those stories. We would like to help encourage others to find and tell their own stories.

We will also be highlighting and linking to member’s works on this site.

These groups are in the planning phase now.

Other Projects

We are currently in the writing phase of a series of stories that will come out in a variety of mediums including video and written forms.

As part of the World of Lost Socks series and in partnership with Wonder Creations and Epix Productions we produced an album on the theme of friendship set in the sock world we created. We hope to create more music in the future.

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“Collaboration is the foundation where stories and creativity inspire endless possibilities.”

Danny Ortiz

Owner, Wonder Creations Studio

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